
Room with a view

Here is the view from our studio window, looking into Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere, towards the church.

And here is lunch; Pizza with cocomero (watermelon) gelatto. (I saved the cone tip for you, Alice, but I had to eat it... :(. Watermelon isn't my favorite flavor. So far that is lemon or creme-caramel. Maybe green apple. But is wasn't bad. The pizza had spinach, olives, mozzarella, and fresh tomatoes, along with some spices and sauce.

Pizza here is delicious. It is the fast-food of Rome. Pizzeria are all over, some better 2qqquality, or less expensive than others, obviously. The square pizzas are laid out on a counter, and you ask for the kind you want, sort of like a U.S. ice-cream store (they are often labeled, otherwise you can just point). They slice a piece off with scissors, and you pay by weight. Then they cook it while you wait. If you have a small enough piece they will fold it and wrap it sandwich-style, so you can eat it and walk around.

Overall it was a good day. After a brief sketching tour, I went and finished up some studio for a preliminary pin-up tomorrow, and ate lunch. Although it wasn't a productive day in terms of producing good work, it was a good learning day, and I feel like I improved, even just over the course of a few hours. I might post some sketches tomorrow, if we can get the scanner to work in studio. I sketched some more, and then went grocery shopping had dinner at another student's apartment. (You were right, dear, you apparently CAN milk sheep, as I bought a "loaf" of sheep cheese (formaggio di pecora).

After that we went to explore the spot where we will meet for our first history walking tour tomorrow. Hopefully I will catch some time for studying my own piazzas, as I have only been in each one twice now.

I miss you all! I found some watercolor post-cards (Post card blanks I can paint myself), so if you'd like one let me know so I know how many to get!

Ciao Bellisimo, Bouna notte!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Good views and good food! Thanks for the picture of the icecream cone tip ^_^ it's the thought that counts really. I'm glad you're having such a great time :) I miss you too!
