
La Citta da Sola

Here is a blog post that I did for our class blog. Each of us are supposed to post about once a week, although I think a lot of us are falling behind...

This morning I left the house early to explore the city a little on my own. It really felt like I had Rome to myself. While Rome is inundated with noisy tourists, it is hard to image the city as it existed, even 200 years ago.

While wandering the empty streets, I could sense how the city might have been. Quiet and picturesque, yes, without the noise and clutter of the cars, but also much more. With the city to myself I could feel more of its history seeping through the cobblestones. Each space was waiting for me alone to discover it; explore it; influence it. I always knew Rome would change me. Now I understand that my presence here changes Rome as well. Each and every visitor to Rome leaves some trace on the cobblestones, affecting the city for good or ill, changing the course of its history, however minutely. I believe have found my favorite way to discover Rome: da sola.

A little cheesy, I know. But I think that's what my professor was aiming for...

After my solo adventure, we walked up to the Spanish steps (AMAZING SHOPPING, although I didn't have time today and will have to come back). Then we walked to the Piazza del Popolo, Via Guilia, and down through Villa Borghese. Overall, counting the time I spent wandering around lost near Navona, I walked over 8 miles today. Needless to say, my feet hurt. Even with my good shoes...

P.S. The photo is one I took of
"Fontana del Moro" or The Moor Fountain in the Piazza Navona. It takes its name from the group of sculptures in the central pond representing an Ethiopian fighting with a dolphin, although that's not the sculpture in the picture.

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