
Happy 4th, Roma!

Happy 4th of July from Rome! This is probably the quietest 4th I've had in a long time. This morning I went and tried to tour a church (it was closed), and went to Trajan's Forum and Markets. These are some old buildings that used to house, obviously, markets and are very well preserved/ restored. There are some very interesting spatial compositions due to the markets being reconstructed over the site of old Temples, as well as retro-fitted structural enhancements after the original structure started to collapse.

It was a neat day exploring the markets, and I got some time to watercolor, although it didn't turn out very well, so I won't post it :P.

On the way home I stopped and got some potato chips to celebrate, and although they are not as satisfying as my favorite "Sweet Onion" chips at home, they weren't so salty that they hurt your mouth, like Lays. (A good thing). I wish I had a delicious veggie burger and some state-shaped Jello to go with!

Tonight the roommates who aren't in Florence and I are going out to a fancy dinner, and maybe try to find some fireworks somewhere.

Love from Italy!
Happy Birthday America!

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