
Piazza Assignment/ Sketches

I forgot to mention that the other day, we got our piazza (rough translation: "plaza") assignments for Rome. Each student is assigned 2 of the smaller piazzas to study and analyze during our stay.

Mine are Santa Maria Della Pace, or "Holy Mary of the Peace", the name of the church that sits on the piazza, and Largo Febo, (the red dots connected by the blue line in the picture). The oval pizza nearby is Piazza Navona. The White oval in the farther-zoomed picture is the Pantheon.

If I get time later I'll post the street views from Google Earth.

Here are some quick (5 min.) sketches from the other day. Drawn from photos...

and... some fish. Well, what used to be fish anyway. I'm using the skeletons as a strucutral analysis for our current Aquatic center project. No fish were harmed in the making of these sketches ....

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